[Watch] Crowd Sings Exuberantly With Jemda as She Performed at Faila’s Cook A-thon Attempt


On the 8th day of Faila’s Cook a-thon Official Attempt, an entourage of gospel ministers visited the venue to render their support to her.

Jemima Kpelly, known in the music terrain as Jemda led the team into the Modern City Hotel with the likes of Ezekiel Napari, Andy Gospelz and others.

All artistes who passed-by had an opportunity to perform and entertain the crowd present at the venue so the gospel group was also given that equal opportunity. The queen of Northern Ghana Gospel Music blessed the crowd with her immortal and hit song; Yisa Neeya. The huge crowd was seen singing along with energy and avidness. They danced to the reggae song with “fingers in the air” proving that, the song was one they really love.

Jemda performs at cook a-thon @modern city hotel
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