BOTS invites you to an all denominational praise event happening in Bolgatanga. This event is intended to offer an avenue to all kind of Churches in and around the Bolgatanga Municipality to come together and lift up praises to the most high God.
The founder of BOTS, Minister Mckernel Azanlerigu explained the essence of this program. He mentioned that, it will be powerful evening of praise as believers will gather from all churches around Bolgatanga to sing out praises in oneness. Heaven will surely hear them and rain down it’s glory.
BOTS which is an acronym for Born of The Spirit is a fast expanding music ministry which is based in the heart of the Upper East Region of Ghana, Bolgatanga.
This program titled ONE SOUND OF PRAISE is scheduled for Sunday 06th August 2023 and will take place inside Redemption Assemblies of God Church, some few meters away from the Main MTN office along the Bolga-Navrongo road.

It promises to be an evening of praise, joy and the celebration of God’s Goodness. There will be ministrations from various choirs of Churches within Bolga and they are indicated on the flyer blow. Attendees shall also have ministration from guest choir Harmonic Crew all the way from Zebilla in the Upper East Region.
One sound of praise kicks off at exactly 5pm. Be there.