The much anticipated project by the urban gospel father in Northern Ghana just got officially announced.
The CEO of Konlaa Ministries and International boy music label with two Signees, two Albums and over 35 singles to his credit took to his social media platforms to announce his second Extended Playlist (EP) after releasing The Better Man EP in November 2019. He calls this Ep “YADAH DAA BE”
Mainly, this EP is to honor my late sister, promote Mouk (Bimoba Land), Northern Ghana and ultimately to preach Faith in Jesus Christ. “Aside my sister’s untimely demise in August 2021, I had a very rough and faith testing year with so much storms in my life and ministry. In the midst and through Out the storms, there was just one thing that kept ringing in my heart and spirit; Don’t Let these Circumstances define you and don’t lose your faith, so I prayerfully came up with the ‘YADAH DAA BE‘ slogan meaning I still have faith to keep myself motivated every time and with the help of 1 Peter1:7 which says -These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor”, Wisdom Konlaa said.
He started putting this whole EP together with six songs, since last year until he stood back on his feet again.

So YADAH DAA BE is here to strengthen your FAITH just as it did for the international boy.