The Third Edition of PRAIZ FEST By Edwina Ministries To Be Held In This September 2022 In Bolgatanga


Praise Festival shorten as Praiz Fest is an annual Praise event organized by Edwina Ministries in collaboration with Sindefeated and Healing Voices, the church choir of Holy Ghost Temple Assemblies of God Church, Bolgatanga.

Praiz Fest is a stem title of Sindefeated’s music program which is organized in many cities over the country with the core aim of winning souls for Christ. The first of its kind was organized in Obuasi and subsequently extended to the Upper East Region.

Minister Edwina organized the first edition of Praiz Fest in Bolga in 2019 as a member of sindefeated and was supported by the sindefeated team and her church choir.

There has been two successful editions of Praiz Fest (2019 & 2021) which were all organized with support from the church and sindefeated.

The third edition, slated for 25th September, 2022 is dubbed; my testimony of praise but this time, does not have sindefeated featured. It will take place at Holy Ghost Temple Assemblies of God Church, Bolgatanga new WAEC office

On program will be other three Bolga based Gospel ministers invited to also minister; Minister Asa, Minister Mark and Minister Amen East Gospel, the Asaala Mina crooner.

This year’s edition promises to be of a kind, unforgettable and of difference. The Lord has a package of blessings to be unleashed that day. Come and receive your portion.

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