Music ministries in Northern Ghana has faced many setbacks in the past and in recent times. Blames have been apportioned on factors such as; the people within the North do not like music, they do not support and the level of poverty within the North.
Evang. Nat denied these as factors responsible for the mite growth of our music ministries. “The one thing you have on torchlight and you are looking for is in someone’s back pocket and he/she does not have its use”, he said.
Evang. Nat Akuure is the head pastor of Glorious Winners House of Praise in Zebilla, Kukuruzua and an Internal Auditor at the Toende Rural Bank. He is also an Online Marketing Expert.
Nat Akuure spoke at True Worship Arena organized by Tabernacle Music Ministry on 18th December 2022 at the Johnass First Love Conference Hall in Zebilla where he was the chairperson of the worship event. He outlined three (3) principles that will build our music ministries either an individual or a group ministry.
. The first tenet according to him was recommendation. For anyone to go high in music ministry, you will at a point need to be recommended by someone to another. There are times that before a minster is invited for a program or supported, he/she is investigated and if the informant is not positive, the invitation or support would be withdrawn. And for you to be recommended, you should check your lifestyle and the way you handle your respective ministries.
. The second principle he mentioned was having a man of God in your life as a minister or ministry. He revealed that though you have pastors in your various church whom you refer to as your men of God but you still need that one man of God in your life who is anointed and understands what music ministry entails, to submit to and he will also pray for the upliftment of your ministry. Minister with that man of God everywhere and in his little times. When he becomes greater, he will recommend you.
. The third principle stated was strategic positioning. Evang. Nat stated that for you to get the needed recognition, you need to be unique in executing your ministry. You should attach seriousness and commitment to our ministries. This is to say that you should make your ministry look attractive. You have not strategically positioned your ministry that’s why you think there is no support in the Northern Ghana. “The one thing you have on torchlight and you are looking for is in someone’s back pocket and he/she does not have its use”, he spake.
He concluded by admonishing ministers to take the above outlined principles into practice and they will see a new turn in their ministries.