Grace Lokwa became a trending sensation after he shared an acapella video of his “Kumama Papa” song on social media. Grace Lokwa is from Congo and the song was sung in LINGALA (his dialect). This acapella became an anthem in everyone’s mouth. A lot of artiste began to make covers of the song. We tried to learn the words and sing in our churches without knowing the meaning of those words. On 8th February, 2022, Prinx Emmanuel in Nigeria post a refix of this kumama Papa Song Which made Grace Lokwa more popular.
On 28th March, 2022, Grace Lokwa was invited to Nigeria by Moses Bliss, the crooner of “Too Faithful to Fail Me”. He stayed in the house of Moses Bliss, performed with him on stage, ministered in many churches and programs in Nigeria.

Grace has become a figure that all our Northern Ghana gospel singers will want to be. He has become connected to highly anointed ministers now.
But note that, his song was not in ENGLISH nor TWI. He sung it in his dialect, Lingala, a language spoken in northern part of Congo.
Many of us have not still realized the power of originality. For us to give meaning to our gospel music, we need to sing more in our own dialect. It will be more creative than the “copy-copy” Stuff we do.
When singing in your dialect, you have the sentimental and natural accent that enables you to articulate perfectly.
We are not trying to abolish singing in other languages but as the combat has begun to behold northern gospel music admired, we need more content in our home dialects.
Be original and possess God in you and it will take you far.
There are a few points I’ve noted in their beautiful Relationship and it might help us…
1. There’s an exhibition of genuine humility- not the ‘I’m humble’ type. You see, most of us the northern Gospel guys including some southern coming up ministers has no iota of humility and that is seen in our ways and responses to people not just the big names. You can try to cover it but it will surface at a point.
It’s so obvious Grace Lokwa is far older than Moses bliss who I guess is around 26years at the moment, but a strong and genuine spirit to lay low and accept help was within. Some of us has gotten or is getting better help but the eye to even see that’s help is not active which is humility.
2. Help is always on the way- Keep pushing and remain positive. Grace Lokwa seemed so happy and so focused. I took the pain to read a few literature about him and also watch few more clips of him and what he was about. I realized he had so much passion about what he’s doing and he was giving it his best.
3. Work on your skill. A lot of people are crying for help and yet, they are not ‘helperble’
Personally, I have been contacted by a number of people for help in their music career and when I look within, they need a lot of work. Let’s always sharpen ourselves and not settle for the less. You sing a bit well in the village or your church per say and people seem happy shouldn’t prevent you from being sincerely honest with yourself and working to improve. Mind you, anyone who will offer help is not idling… he or she has a lot to do and would require that you work hard to a certain extent before they come in. For Christ sake, they can’t leave everything they’re doing just to help you.
4. Let’s stop the comparisons… I have been engaged in conversations that talks about ‘Bigger Ministers’ and who is doing better and who has better voice… Lol 😆. (I’m sure this is not new to you the one reading this) This is one of the very reasons we can receive less from them. Let’s accept them and I believe they will receive us when it’s time.
5. Finally, Let’s serve… I mean SERVICE. It is so rare in our circles to see a genuine service both in our churches and music ‘fathers and mothers’
When we offer ourselves genuinely to people, God brings people to offer themselves to us. Fact!
——— This is strictly point of view and I pray that one or two will help someone grow and be able to access the necessary help he or she needs.
I pray I get the time to explain my little relationship with the fathers both within North and Ghana and how some of them can be accessed.
Wow! A good overview there. This is even another full article. Thank you for your contributions.